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C is for Cookie

Online cookies, unlike offline cookies, are small text files. Your computer receives our digital cookie when you visit our web shops. Thanks to cookies, you won’t have to enter or download the same information every time you come back to us.

Cookies, not for eating

Although our cookies don’t satisfy your hunger, you do help us improve the site. That’s because cookies allow us to see how you use our sites, and so we can determine what could be better or different. Furthermore, we use cookies for marketing purposes. We will explain our assortment of cookies:

Functional cookies, there is no getting around this

As the name suggests, these cookies are there for convenience. Think of these cookies as logging in with your login credentials, placing products in the shopping cart, and viewing our reviews.

Grill Bill session

The purpose of this cookie is for us to recognize you on our web shops. For example, we know whether you are logged in or not, and which shopping cart belongs to you. Features This cookie comes from one of our own web shops and is deleted after six months. Privacy We do not share this information with third parties

Cookie notification

Why? The purpose of the notification is for us to remember whether or not you have closed the cookie notification. Without this cookie, the notification cannot be closed permanently. Features This cookie comes from one of our own webshops and is deleted after 1 year. Privacy We do not share this information with third parties

Browser support

Why? This cookie is used so that we can verify that your browser supports all features of the site. So we can see if the site is working optimally with you. Features This cookie comes from our own website, and is deleted after one day Privacy We do not share this information with third parties

Analyzing Cookies, measuring is knowing

These cookies allow us to gain knowledge. By analyzing, we can optimize our sites, and ensure that you can use our web shops without annoyance.

Google Analytics

Why? With Google Analytics, we measure how you use our web shops and how you found us. With this knowledge, we can improve our sites. When we do not use this cookie we miss your data, because of this we do not see how you use our sites and improvements will take a long time. Features This cookie comes from one of Google and is deleted after two years. Privacy Google does not share anonymous data with third parties.

Full Story

Why? It may seem a bit far-fetched, but this cookie allows us to see your click behavior. In other words, we see how you navigate through our websites. By knowing this, for example, we can ensure relevant information in the right places. In addition, this cookie also allows us to see if you are a new or returning visitor. Features This cookie comes from Full Story and is kept for no more than one year Privacy We do not share this information with third parties.

Marketing Cookies

We use this cookie not to annoyingly spam you, but to send you offers that you actually want.

Google Analytics

Why? With Google Analytics, we measure how you use our web shops. By measuring this, we can show you targeted ads and offers. Without this cookie we cannot do this and you will see “random advertising”. Features This cookie comes from Google and is deleted after a maximum of two years. Privacy Google does not share anonymous dates with third parties.


Why? With Tradetracker, we can see through which partner sites (affiliates) a sale has come in and we can reward them for this contribution. We cannot do this without this cookie. You basically notice pretty little of this cookie yourself. Features This cookie comes from Tradetracker and is deleted after 30 days. Privacy Your information will not be shared with third parties.


Why? This cookie can see what products you are viewing. This allows us to show relevant ads and you won’t miss out on interesting offers. Features This cookie comes from Facebook and is deleted after a maximum of two years. Privacy Facebook does not share information with third parties
Jouw winkelwagen
fikse Korting Op Pro Kamado's
50% korting op max. 5 Grill Bill accessoires
20 Jaar garantie
Herfst deals
Geldig t/m 04-11-24

Of zolang de voorraad strekt

Doe onze online kamado cursus, haal je examen, upload je certificaat, en je krijgt 10 jaar extra garantie t.w.v 250,- op jouw Pro kamado. Meer weten? Check de voorwaarden.

Up to €370 Discount on Pro Kamados
30% off up to 5 Grill Bill accessories
free 10-year additional warranty
Pre-Order deals
Valid until 26-08-24

Or while supplies last

Take our online kamado course, pass your exam, upload your certificate, and get an additional 10-year warranty worth 250.00 on your Pro kamado. Want to know more? Check conditions.


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